Just a hobby

Yes, it took another half an year to bring this site online. I could give some reasons, but for what reason?


I changed the template to Gravity, because it seemed to me much more intuitive related to CSS and less bloated. Search is still missing, but on the list.


The build reactor of this site is, as already mentioned, jekyll. It runs in a Docker Container including all necessary gems. The sources/image are on Github or Docker Hub:

  • https://github.com/sebastiangraf/docker-jekyllbuilder
  • https://hub.docker.com/r/sebastiangraf/docker-jekyllbuilder/

Only the generated HTML is served to a linked, original nginx-Container. The pull from the git-Repository is done by a simple cronjob.

What’s up next?

Since the migration of the old content was more work than expected, I will not further polish those. Instead, I will now try to document some of my work at university and about my new, private projects.

But one thing at the time…