Organization Support for a Github Travis CI Integration
Even though I pushed each project to Github, I needed to get organizational support for a Github Travis CI Integration.
Travis CI offers a convenient service for continuos integration, directly hooking into Github. This service is just awesome for all kind of open source projects, since the builds are configured with the help of a file called .travis.yml. I love configuration-as-code. An example is given below taken from my perfidix-project :
language: java
- master
install: echo 'Skipping mvn install'
script: mvn clean test -U
on_success: never
on_failure: always
Within that test, the language is java, the branch to be tested is only the master-branch. The install phase (performed normally beforehand to gain all jars) is skipped. Instead a simple test is performed afterwards. In case of failures, the user, hooking this service in, is informed by email. The result is shown anyhow on Travis directly (e.g. related to Perfidix over here).
Organization Support for a Github Travis CI Integration
Travis CI is triggered over a hook where you simply log in with your Github-Account.
Unfortunately, you won’t have access to your repositories stored under the organization you are in. To get these repositories in Travis as well, you have to manually deploy a hook like described here: Just go directly on the Github Homepage -> Project -> Admin -> Service Hooks -> Travis and insert over there your github name and the token from Travis. You can find the token in Travis in your profile.
While just refactoring this post today (October, 27th), I realized, that Travis has now the ability to give you direct control over your organization as well. This makes the manual hook obsolete (even though it further works).